Sun. Mar 9th, 2025

Following a recent announcement by the Kenya Power and Lighting Company ( K.P.L.C ), Kenyans will now be advised to update their prepaid meters for electricity. The Kenya Power disclosed that the updates are scheduled to take effect from June 12 to August 31st and failure to which the users will be left in darkness.

During the launch of the ‘Update Token Meter Yako’ campaign in Nairobi, Joseph Siror, the company’s Managing Director, expressed that the initiative seeks to migrate prepaid users to a new system since the current one is nearing its expiration.

Due to their failure to reset and update their Token Meter, the user will also find themselves unable to utilize newly acquired tokens.

Easy Steps on How to Update Your Prepaid Token Meter

1. What is ‘Update Token Meter Yako’?

Update Token Meter Yako is an exercise targeted at all prepaid meters where a code is used to uniquely identify each prepaid meter token that is generated at the point of purchase. It ensures that the units are safe by preventing replication in the system.

2. Why is Update Token Meter Yako necessary?

Update Token Meter Yako is necessary to prevent service disruptions. It is a process that updates software in a prepaid meter to reset the software.

3. What types of meters are affected?

All prepaid electricity meters are affected.

4. What happens during Update Token Meter Yako?

The process involves updating the prepaid meter software. To update their meters, customers will key in two codes sent to them via SMS by Kenya Power in the correct sequence. The codes are 20-digit numbers that will be entered into the prepaid meters to update the meter’s software.

5. How can I prepare for Update Token Meter Yako?

Before entering the codes, make sure to use up all old, unused electricity tokens. If you don’t, you won’t be able to use them after entering the meter update codes.

6. How will I know if the update is successful?

If the update is successful, your meter will accept new electricity tokens going forward.

How much does it cost to update my meter?

The process of updating your meter is free.

7. Will the Update Token Meter Yako affect the cost of electricity tokens?

No. The Update Token Meter Yako will simply update the software of your meter so that it can continue serving you well. It does not affect the electricity tariff you are currently on.

8. What happens if I don’t update my meter?

If the meter isn’t updated, it will not accept tokens.

9. When is the deadline for Update Token Meter Yako?

The deadline is August 31st, 2024.

10. What happens after the deadline for Update Token Meter Yako?

Meters will not accept tokens generated.

N|B: Before you begin the process of updating your token meter, make sure to load any previously purchased tokens otherwise the tokens will not be loaded after the meter update.

By Admin